
Archive for February, 2011

Hi everyone!  Welcome to Bevo Markets and Bear Markets, a new blog dedicated to making the next generation of businessmen and women more informed about how online investing is quickly changing the world in which we live.  Every week, I hope to give you all a little more insight into how new technologies are dramatically altering the financial industry.  These changes are crucial for the average businessperson, as financial markets play a huge part in evaluating companies’ successes and failures.

Most young people have little interest in the financial markets.  You cannot be blamed, however.  The stigma of old, rich men yelling into phones is a lasting one.  Fortunately, a youthful, energetic, technology-driven culture is replacing this worn out predisposition.  This blog cannot promise to make you a better investor, but it will show you some of the professional tools that traders use to create huge amounts of wealth!  Additionally, the hope is to give you all some insight into how these tools relate to recent events you may have heard of, such as the Flash Crash of May 6 and the financial crisis of the last 3 years.


Some questions this blog hopes to answer are:

How does one get started in investing?

Are there a variety of places one could invest his or her money?

Can young people effectively learn how to benefit from financial markets?

What means are financial professionals to make money from the market?


The purpose for this blog is to give you, the readers, some great information over the next few weeks, but also to create a community for your input and opinions.  If you have ever dealt with any of the technologies described, had any experience related to recent financial issues, or simply find a post interesting, please state what you think in the comments!  Until then, take a look at how well Wall Street employees can be compensated.  With some time and a lot of practice, someday that could be you! Again, welcome to Bevo Markets and Bear Markets, and I’m looking forward to seeing you back soon!


Joe Kelly

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